Thursday, July 29, 2010

remember what the dormouse said, 'Keep YOUR HEAD'

Despite the lack of postings, I have not given up on this venture yet. However slow I may be, I am hoping at least to somewhat keep adding pieces and bits to this collection. Despite the lack of time I've had lately (school has been kicking my ass this quarter), I have managed to stay sane, and squeeze out a few for-fun design things here and there.

During one particularly long trip on the back of Justin's motorcycle, I had the idea to paint my beautiful matte black helmet. Its been about a month or to since that revelation, but we finally got around to it last saturday.

I started off with the image of Hermes fresh in my mind. The image of his golden winged headband really made an impression on me, and I wanted to show my interpretation of it.

Whoops!, the stray feather came from an
accidental glob of paint dripping off my brush.
hello happy accident, im glad to see you again.

Although it may have have lost its Hermes feel, I am rather pleased with how it turned out. Both sides are as identical as possible for being hand painted, and it has a (however temporary this may be) somewhat completed feel about it.

Now I just need to get on the road again! Im excited to wear my work and show it off!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

New paintings!

'double sea monster'

seamonster close up

As we do more and more paintings, we are slowly improving! This sea monster painting came to me all of a sudden, and I knew...i KNEW it had to be made. Although I think its a bit busy now, Im pretty happy with how it turned out. It's cute, and playful, and improved upon the image I had in my head.

inspired by Bimmer!

if you notice, the eyes are reflective!

The kitty painting. Oh geeze. This is definately my favorite painting to date. It was inspired by Justins adorable kitty Bimmer (pronounced Beamer). Kinda like the sea monster painting, this was so much fun to paint! I think it fits my personality really well, and im excited to see what happens next. Possibly a series? thinking maybe :)


i found a doodle!

cute little doodle

tis all:)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Therapeutic painting sessions

The past month or so, my boyfriend and I have embraced our inner Picasso. Despite our limited painting experience, and our technical knowledge, we've decided to just get out there and start painting for the hell of it.

As Justin is an avid skateboarder, we decided painting old skate-decks would be a fun place to start. This is my second board, and one that I was quite pleased with.

super mellow goldfish!

...and the second...
the colors are a bit off in the photo, but I love the way it turned out

We have done more paintings since, but those will have to wait to be posted. Sleep awaits me!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

the adventure begins

Lately, the thought of adventure has been consuming me. I wonder where my life will take me, and if I will have regrets when I get old.Thats when I realized something...
Remember when we were little? One could spend an entire saturday going down to the creek behind your house and playing pioneers...exploring and subsequently conquering new territories. We didn't wait for adventure to come to us...we made it.

Today, to me, the idea of adventure isn't just the act of going someplace new, or having a great story at the end of the day. Adventure can be anything that centers on a love for life...a desire and passion to experience. Maybe this blog will help me, maybe it won't.

Although it may be fun to think that someone would be interested in reading about my daily life, I am going to attempt to keep this blog as art and design centered as possible. Currently Im lacking an online portfolio so I'm hoping presenting my work on here for the time being will suffice.

Even more, this will allow me to post more pieces of work. Pieces of work that aren't exactly portfolio worthy, but fun nonetheless. Hopefully an outlet such as this will give me more motivation to create...regardless of how busy normal life is right now (school, work, soccer, etc.)

Another thing I was considering would be to add posts of inspiration as well. Something along the lines of ffffound or inspire me now. It would be a lot easier for me to manage inspiration images in my blog, rather than sifting through piles of images on my desktop when I need a boost.